Friday, May 31, 2013


So this week we talked about my most favorite ;) Ok, so I must admit, I've been hearing a little TOO much about dating recently. But it's all good. Part of me wants to say that the whole concept of dating is going extinct...but then a part of me realizes that's not true. Dating does still exist, but maybe needs to be brought out a little more.

Something that I've heard a lot is that a date consists of the "3 P's...Paired off, paid for, and planned." I'd say it's definitely a good way to identify if you're on a date, since so many guys aren't very good about specifying whether they're asking you out or just asking you to hang out. Anyway, even though I had heard of these three P's, it was interesting for me to learn how they go along so well with the 3 P's for the Priesthood (I call it that for a lack of a better term). These three P's are protect, provide and preside. As I search for my future husband these are three very important traits that I am looking for. Someone who will protect, provide and preside over my future family.

Some characteristics I am looking for in my future husband...gentle, humble, patient, honest, temple worthy, hard-working. Those are just a few of the basic things I look for. There's a lot to be learned when dating, and something that I've learned is that it takes time. I really liked the "know-quo" from class and how it outlined the 3 t's-time, togetherness, and talk. The first one, time, is what stood out to me the most. We can't expect to really know someone right off the bat, it takes time, talking and being together to really find those things out.

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