Thursday, June 6, 2013

Communication in Marriage

In taking classes like family relations and others similar to it these past two semesters it has made me grateful that I am not yet married. Why? Because these classes have helped me to understand and prepare more for what is to come. I feel like it will be important for me to know all of these things going in to a marriage and that it will benefit me in the long run. There are so many things that I've learned which I never would have thought about before.

For example, I found it useful and interesting to talk about the different struggles that couples face in the beginning of their marriage. I know that there will be adjustments to be made, but with having an idea beforehand of some questions I can ask the man I want to marry and things I would like him to know about me will help us to know what to expect. In class it was brought up that sleeping habits can be the cause of contention or frustration in the beginning because some people sleep hot, some sleep cold, some like to snuggle, some like their own space. So even though this did not seem like something that would originally be important to discuss, I now know that it is! ha ha!  This is just one of many things to discuss.

It was also interesting to hear how much the average wedding in America costs...$20,000+. Holy crap! That's a lot. All I can say is, my wedding will NOT cost even close to that. Marriage has become more of a party rather than focusing on the actual ceremony and the fact that you are now united with someone else for eternity (at least from the Latter-Day Saint perspective). When I get married, I want my day to be focused on the temple and the sealing rather than everything else. It's the most special occasion that can take place in this life, in my opinion.

Communicating before and during marriage (especially in the beginning) is important so that both man and woman are on the same page. Effective communication requires effort, and understanding. Good communication is important to me as I prepare to marry. 

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