Monday, May 27, 2013

Man and Woman-gender differences

This past week we talked about gender differences, and the roles that men and women take on. It's such a big topic, and there's a lot to consider and think about. Really, it's kind of hard for me to fully wrap my head around it. To me, I've always seen the different roles that men and women have from each other, but I have never seen one role as being greater than the other. For example, the family: A Proclamation to the World states that the woman's role is to nurture and care for her family, and the man's role is to provide, protect and preside. Man and woman also have the role of helping each other. I feel like men have talents and abilities that help them in fulfilling certain responsibilities or obligations, and likewise for the women. We are created different, in that we have different abilities. That does not make any one gender better than the other though.

When I have my own children I want to teach them about the importance of their roles that they will play as sons/daughters, brothers/sisters, friends, and husbands/wives. When we seek to understand ourselves and our own abilities then it shouldn't really matter what the world says about gender or roles. All that should matter is that we are reaching our full potential of what God sees in us, and of what He created us to be.

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